Experience a night of laughter at Third Space Improv's Stand Up Comedy Night, an event not to be missed in the Ancient City. Hosted by Jacksonville comedian Sean Steele, the evening features six comedians from across the First Coast showcasing their material. Attendees can expect gut-busting laughs and saucy content, so it’s best to leave the kids at home. This celebration of community includes offerings of beer, wine, soft drinks, fresh popcorn, and snacks, all with free parking available. The performance begins at 9 p.m., with tickets priced at $15 in advance and $20 at the door. 200 Malaga St., St. Augustine. www.3rdspaceimprov.com/events
Located on the western edge of historic downtown, Third Space Improv hosts improv comedy shows and unscripted theatre experiences. Third spaces - communal spaces outside of home (first space) and…